
Saturday, January 12, 2013

In Which a Post Gets Picked Up By the Main Line Times

photo taken by me at Longwood Gardens, Chadds Ford, PA
January 24, 2010

During my days as a development and public relations director in the Philadelphia area, one of my favorite reporters was Caroline O'Halloran of the Main Line Times. So, when I saw an email from Caroline the other day, I was delighted. She was working on a story and wanted to know if she could use part of my recent blog post about Andy Reid's hire as head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs("Why Andy Reid is the Right Coach, Right Now for the Kansas City Chiefs").

I readily agreed, especially since another (not-in-Philadelphia) paper initially agreed to publish it ...and then they promptly chose not to because I didn't go as negative as they would have preferred in regard to some of the Reids' personal family situations. I didn't want to go there for the sake of a byline, so we moved on.

Caroline, on the other hand, is someone who also saw the side of Tammy Reid that I was fortunate to see during my days of working with her. You'll see that, too, in her excellent piece that I'm quoted in and that I link to below.

(Caroline also captures a key point that I was trying to make in my blog post: "In light of the recent murder-suicide of Chiefs’ linebacker Javon Belcher and his girlfriend, Kansas City seems a fortuitous destination for the Reids. Indeed, Tammy has already spoken to the wife of Chiefs’ owner Clark Hunt about getting involved in the team’s new domestic violence initiatives. “That’s right up my alley, I plan on jumping into this community too,” Tammy said.)

Read more:  Exclusive: Tammy Reid to keep Philadelphia ties after Eagles but eager to 'jump into' life in Kansas City

Thanks, Caroline, for including me in this wonderful piece.

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